This directory includes descriptions and contact information for agencies serving victims in the Denver Metro Area.
The Salvation Army’s Housing Now Program is committed to helping victims of crime in the Metro Denver Area. Assistance is provided using the Housing First model and provides housing stabilization and case management to identified victims of DV and/or Human Trafficking. This includes housing searches, deposit assistance, rent, utilities, legal aid to prevent eviction, moving costs, and supplying basic living needs. Case Management is also provided and includes support during the transition into the new home, interacting on the client’s behalf with potential landlords, employment support, working with other community partners on the client’s behalf, and financial education.
In order to better assist crime victims and their families, the Colorado General Assembly enacted C.R.S. 24-4.1, the Crime Victim Compensation Act. Funds are collected through fines assessed on adults and juveniles who are convicted of certain crimes in the City and County of Denver. A three person citizen Board appointed by the District Attorney distributes the funds as allowed by statue and Board policy.
Persons who qualify:
Getting Started:
Eligibility requirements:
The Crime Victim Compensation Board may waive some of the above requirements for good cause or in the interest of justice. No other person or agency can guarantee eligibility.
The CVC program can provide financial assistance for certain crimes and specified services. Not all crime victims or crime related-losses are eligible for reimbursement or payment. To request an application or if you have questions, contact the CVC program staff at 720-913-9253 or [email protected].