Below are the frequently asked questions regarding the 2nd Judicial District Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement program. VALE Administrators will be updating this page periodically in response to questions received from grantees and applicants. Please refer to the Grant Application and Financial and Narrative Report Instructions as these documents will answer many questions for grantees and applicants.
For general questions about the Denver VALE program, please email [email protected]
Per the Colorado Revised Statutes 24-4.2-101 and 24-4.1-302, eligible applicants for 2nd Judicial District VALE funds must:
The total dollar amount available each year is dependent on court collections. Each year the VALE Board reviews the previous years’ collections and decides on a total amount available for grants.
In 2022 the Board made the decision to cap the total amount available for each grant at $50,000. For FY2023 that amount was raised to $60,000.
Yes, each agency is able to submit applications for multiple programs that are run within an agency; however, there must be separate applications for each program.
The application and budget should be submitted electronically to [email protected], and two (2) hard copies with one (1) set of required attachments should be mailed to:
Denver VALE
Attn: VALE Administrator
201 W Colfax Ave, 8th Floor
Denver, CO 80202
Only electronic signatures are accepted on the electronic submission of the application and budget.
Electronic signatures are preferred on the hard copy submissions of the application, budget, and attachments, but wet signatures will be accepted.
Hard copies need only be postmarked by the application submission deadline. Please ensure that the signed electronic copy of the application has been submitted to [email protected] by the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted.
The Request for Proposals are released in late summer for the next calendar year. Announcements will be made on the VALE website and via email to current grantees.
Yes, the excel budget document is a required part of the electronic submission.
Please provide an estimate of the total number of 2nd JD victims to be served with Denver VALE funds based on the number of victims served to date.
An estimated number of 2nd JD victims to be served is also acceptable for the upcoming calendar year.
Please visit the Grantee Resources page for report templates and instructions.
Fiscal reports for VALE grantees are due on the following dates:
Narrative Reports are due on the following dates:
Check the website home page in late spring/early summer for updates on COVA scholarships.
Yes. One-time emergency funding needs are considered on an as-needed basis. Please reach out to the Denver VALE Administrators if this situation arises.
Agencies are permitted to reallocate funds between categories if the reallocation is less than $1,000.00.
Budget revisions above $1,000.00 by category shall be subject to approval of the Denver VALE Board and/or VALE Administrator(s).
If the grant recipient does not expend all of the funds within the contractual period, The Board has the discretion to extend the time period of the contract or request that unspent funds be repaid to The Board.
The grant recipient shall notify the VALE Administrator(s) in writing at least 60 days prior to the end of the grant period if it will have unspent funds.
All unspent funds shall be returned to The Board unless the grant recipient makes a request in writing, for use of the funds beyond the grant period and such request has been approved by The Board.
Agencies should immediately notify the VALE Administrators of any change in project officials or their contact information including their contact information.
Agencies should request and complete a Change in Signing Authority Form in the event of a change in the Authorized Official.